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Pllanning Board Minutes 2-19-03
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of February 19, 2003
Town Hall Hearing Room

Present:                Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Mark Berry, Alfred Pickard, Helen
                Miranda Wilson, Gerald Parent; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator
Excused:        Lisa Brown

Chair O'Connell convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Signing of Plan for SD #02-04; David S. Johnson, 130 Long Pond Road, Lot #148, Assessor's Map #15, 4 lots.  Helen Wilson recused herself and left the table.  The remaining board members signed the plan and the covenant presented to them by Chet Lay of Slade Associates for the above-named subdivision.

ANR #02-02; Diana Crooks, 55 Kelley Way, Lot #129.1, Assessor's Map #29, 2 lots.  Wilson returned to the table.  Chet Lay again presented (see minutes of 2-5-02) plans for the intersection of Kelley Way to the Board, revised to meet mandated changes from the State Highway Department.  Lay explained that the revisions still incorporated the Planning Board's concern that the throat of the intersection be wide enough for two cars to pass each other and noted that the guardrail would be redone.  In accordance with the note on the plan (No building permit shall be issued for Lot 1 until such time as the Planning Board deems that the intersection of Kelley Way & Rte. 6 is improved to their satisfaction), David Wright moved and Mark Berry seconded that the Board approve the plan of the revision of the throat at the intersection of Kelley Way and Route 6.  The motion passed, 6-0.  Lay noted that although the state had not yet issued the permit for this construction, it should be forthcoming.

Subdivision Regulation Revision.  Rex Peterson distributed material sent by Patty Daley for study and later discussion.  This included: Erosion and Sediment Control/Grading Model Ordinance, an example from Duxbury of a Mandatory Cluster Bylaw, and an example from Barnstable of a Cluster Ordinance--Not Adopted.  Peterson added that it would be possible for the Board to discuss these documents on March 5 after the public hearing on zoning bylaw revisions and that Ms. Daley would attend the March 19 meeting for further discussion of these items and the subdivision regulation revisions on which she is working and will soon send to the Board.

Minutes of 1/15, 1/29, and 2/5/03.  
David Wright moved and Alfred Pickard seconded approval of the minutes of 1/15/03 as amended.  The motion passed, 5-0-1 (Wilson).
The Chair moved and Helen Wilson seconded approval of the minutes of 1/29/03 as amended.  The motion passed, 6-0.
David Wright moved and Helen Wilson seconded approval of the minutes of 2/5/03 as amended.  The motion passed, 5-0-1 (Berry).

Other Business.
Peets Variance.  Chair O'Connell, referring to an earlier discussion of the building permit issued to Arthur Peets (Lot 121, Map 36) by the Building Inspector (see minutes of 1-15-03), suggested that the Planning Board close discussion on the matter.  The consensus of the Board agreed that no action should be taken.  Helen Wilson, agreeing that it was too late to do anything about the matter, stated that she wished that the Board had gone to the Zoning Board and stated its position before the appeal period out; Alfred Pickard noted that this was not the sole responsibility of the Planning Board, that any group or individual could have brought objections to the ZBA.
Mail.  The Chair reviewed the mail:
Notice of the Board of Health hearing on regulation revision: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center
A letter from Maria Burks, Superintendent of the National Seashore (2/11/03) concerning the park's General Management Plan to work with local communities to "define and maintain the 'character' of the Outer Cape…" Helen Wilson, referring to the park's intention to study the "use of  prescribed fire to maintain the heathland," stated that there are advantages to opening up the land through controlled burning.
A copy of Rex Peterson's grant application (2//7/03) to the Cape Cod Commission for funding for a town-wide survey to update the Local Comprehensive Plan
Among the ZBA hearings listed for 2/26/03--a request by Albert Davis, 2766 State Highway, Lot 146, Map 15, for a special permit/variance for a partial second story
Rex Peterson's memo to the BOS containing the Planning Board's proposal for zoning bylaw revisions.  Peterson noted that he had received the recommendation back from the Selectmen requesting that the Planning Board schedule a Public Hearing on the proposal; this hearing will occur on March 5.
ZBA Discussions.  From the audience, Jeff Stewart, pointing out an article on the governor's task force on 40B that had appeared in a recent Cape Cod Times, noted that the ZBA plans a discussion of the topic of that article after its morning site inspection on 2/26 at 9 a.m.  He suggested that there should be discussion of this subject by both boards in the next month.  Helen Wilson added that she had received a draft document about the governor's 40B task force from an official in affordable housing and that she had questions about the interaction between the DHCD and the task force.  Alfred Pickard asked what housing was under 40B in Wellfleet and was told the new units of cluster housing on Old King's Highway.  Stewart added that the ZBA discussion might cover trailer homes.

Executive Session.  The Chair moved that the Board enter Executive Session for the purpose of approving the minutes of the Executive Session of 1/15/03.  (Gerry Parent recused himself and left the meeting.)  Mark Berry seconded.  O'Connell voted yes, Berry voted yes, Wilson voted yes, Wright voted yes, and Pickard voted yes.  The Board entered Executive Session at 7:40 p.m. and adjourned Executive Session at 7:50 p.m.

The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_____________________________           ________________________________
Frances J. Castillo, Assistant to the           R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair
        Committee Secretary                     ____________________________Date